I'd like to apologize for blasting Sam and Anonymous yesterday. I was frustrated by (and jealous of) the attention Anonymous has been recieving as opposed to More Than a Job, but that's still no excuse to yell at Sam, and I am deeply sorry for doing so.
I was (and still am) upset by the fact that none of my friends visit my blog. I emailed them the address, but either none of them check their messages or they just don't care. But again, that's not Sam's fault and I'm ashamed that I took it out on him and Anonymous.
So again, I apologize for yesterday's scathing post and will do my utmost to ensure that it never happens again.
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
1 month ago
True, but I emailed them when I started the blog, which was almost two months ago.
gah, sam.
I wasnt insulting your story.
I was insulting cliffhangers.
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