Believe it or not, Chapter 9 is acutally up! I know I originally said this coming Friday, but since I finished reading this incredibly long book entitled Once an Eagle, I've found myself with more time to devote towards writing.
This has got to be a record for the shortest time between chapter updates! I'm going to say to look for Chapter 10 by Friday, but I expect to have it up much sooner than that.
Also, before anyone says anything, PALE HORSE comes from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, so the name works.
On a different note, this is also a record for the latest I've ever posted. Acutally wait, I'm not sure, hang on a sec. *checks first post* Yep, this is the latest. (First Post was at 8:49, this one's at around 10:45.)
Well, like I said, it's late, and I have to be up rather early tomorrow, so caio!
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
1 month ago
well. i dont know.
it's okay, it just struck a little close to home. I lost my uncle in 9-11, so I don't know how i feel about you writing about it.
i know you're not making fun of it.
i dunno.
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