My 100th Post. Wow. Seems like just yesterday I was being shoved out of my chair while nerdjedi took over setting up the blog... ah, good times.
You know, I never imagined that I'd ever have 100 posts up on the blog. Honestly, after two weeks I'd run out of ideas for stuff to write, so I honestly considered abandoning the blog. I'm glad I didn't, otherwise I wouldn't have a creative outlet and all of my stories would be sitting unfinished on my computer's hard drive. So, if nothing else, blogging has given me the motivation I need to actually finish the stories I start writing.
That actually brings up a point I've been meaning to address. Since I've started writing More Than a Job and Codename: White Knight, *Insert Title Here* has become little more than a bulletin board letting everyone know that yes, I finished another chapter or no, no chapter today. In the future, I'm going to make a sincere effort to put up a greater variety of posts, even if it's just asking you, the reader, what kind of airsoft gun I should get. Though I don't think I'll have to worry you with that issue anymore (I'm leaning towards an AK-47).
I'm guessing you're all getting pretty tired of all this sentimental crap, so I'm going to sign off for now. Here's to one hundred great posts, and the hope of one hundred more.
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
1 month ago
it's so many blogs....augh...
YES! Something to get drunk over, hugh raptor?
Wow! Why did I put a "g" in huh? Am I that stupid?
Did you erase the other ones because I said "darn"? Or just because you wanted to get rid of some of the pointless comments? Darn is not a bad word by the people...getting upset over the word darn.
damn and hell aren't bad words either
priests say them
Joepoe, I deleted the duplicate comment because it was just that-a duplicate. Then I deleted the other comment because I'd deleted the duplicate and it wouldn't make any sense. So, yeah, I was just deleting the "pointless comments" as you called them.
Okay good. Phew! I was worried you thought darn was a bad word.
Shyzer is a bad word. Yeah, definitley a bad word.
In television today we watched old movies on the mac in edit room B, and we saw some blooper reel with you in it.
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